
This study is being conducted by the Institute of Applied Social Research at the University of Bedfordshire (UoB) in partnership with Every Child Protected Against Trafficking (ECPAT UK). It is funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) in the UK through the Modern Slavery and Human Rights Policy and Evidence Centre (Modern Slavery PEC). This partnership is a response to an invitation by Modern Slavery PEC to support original and innovative research to identify ways that the current support system can be improved to ensure better short, medium and long-term outcomes for young people who have experienced human trafficking and/or modern slavery. At the heart of this study is:

  • The need to transform systems and outcomes of care and protection for children and young people who have experienced human trafficking and/or modern slavery
  • The need to hear what this looks like from the perspectives of young people
  • The need to understand what outcomes are important to young people and what the pathways towards these outcomes might look like in practice

The goal of this global call for evidence

The purpose of this call is to identify evidence on outcomes for young people who have experienced human trafficking or modern slavery within different contexts around the world. We are especially interested to hear about young people’s outcomes in relation to their participation, empowerment, inclusion, protection and recovery.  We are also interested to hear about practices, approaches and programmes that promote positive outcomes across these 5 outcomes areas.

We also want to identify examples of child participation by child human trafficking survivors in research and, potentially, any examples of what works in interventions in human trafficking work more generally that may hold potential for transferrable learning for promoting positive outcomes in children and young people.  

ECPAT UK and the University of Bedfordshire especially welcome examples of practice, reports and other resources relating to outcomes for child victims and their participation in research. You can email any document or answer the questions below, or both!

For information on definitions, please see our Definitions and Guidelines document.


  1. What do you believe are the short term, medium term and long term outcomes for children affected by human trafficking?
    • Do you have any examples of practice, reports, or any other resource to support your views?
  2. What services, programs or policies are you aware of where the voices of children affected by human trafficking where central?
    • Do you have any examples of practice, reports, or any other resource to support your views?
  3. What do you believe works well for children affected by human trafficking?
    • Do you have any examples of practice, reports, or any other resource to support your views?

How to make a submission
Submissions can be provided by sending any evidence including reports to [email protected].This call will close on the 1st April 2022 

More information
Please read the Definitions and Guidelines document for more information on the aims and methodology of this call, definitions of child trafficking, how your submission will be used, child and data protection issues. For any queries about this project. please contact us at [email protected]

Statement on personally identifiable information
ECPAT UK has safeguarding duties to report any concerns about the wellbeing of children. If you raise any concerns about ongoing or suspected abuse in your evidence, we may be required to report these to the relevant authorities. 

Please refrain from including any identifying information or personal details about children or their families. You may include information that is available in the public domain such as listed legal decisions, news media reports or other such publications. 

In instances where you are concerned that a child is at risk of harm, please contact the relevant children’s services agency in your country. If you would like to raise any concerns with ECPAT UK or the University of Bedfordshire directly, please contact our Safeguarding Lead, Patricia Durr at [email protected] or [email protected] at the University of Bedfordshire.

You can access this global call for evidence in Russian, Spanish and French:


