Resources Practitioner Resources Useful tools Creating a child trafficking and modern slavery policy As part of our Partnership Against Child Trafficking (PACT) project, ECPAT UK has produced a guide to assist local authorities to create or update their child trafficking and modern slavery policy. The Creating a child trafficking and modern slavery policy document: Suggestions and recommendations for local authorities policy guide has been drafted in light of the Modern Slavery Act (England and Wales) 2015 and revised statutory guidance issued by the Department of Education (DfE) on the Care of unaccompanied migrant children and child victims of modern slavery (November 2017). It includes a summary of what should be included in a child trafficking and modern slavery policy document and can be used as a starting point for local authorities to develop their own policy document. Please note this is not an exhaustive list and the policy document should be reviewed regularly in line with new developments in practice and guidance. CLICK HERE to download the PACT policy guide Manage Cookie Preferences