What we do Campaigns and petitions Protect children from trafficking in Scotland UPDATE (October 2015): This petition is now closed. Thank you to the more than 6,000 supporters who called on the Scottish Parliament to protect children from trafficking in Scotland. CLICK HERE to view the field report. Five days before her 18th birthday, “Ruby” escaped her traffickers in Scotland, having endured two violent years of sexual exploitation and ritual abuse.1 After therapy and support from a specialised service, she began to rebuild her life. Unfortunately not all trafficked children in Scotland have access to the support “Ruby” received – but now there is an opportunity to change that. The Scottish Government is currently working on new legislation that could provide vital support for trafficked children and those at risk of trafficking and slavery.2 Just a few simple amendments could drastically improve the legislation and make sure that children are protected and their abusers more easily brought to justice. This is where you come in. Please urge the Cabinet Secretary for Justice, Michael Matheson MSP, to ensure measures to protect children are included in the Scottish Human Trafficking and Exploitation Bill. Together we can protect children in Scotland and make the country a more unwelcome place for human traffickers. SOURCES 1 http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/misery-scotlands-sex-slaves-stolen-5430531 2 http://www.scottish.parliament.uk/parliamentarybusiness/Bills/84356.aspx Manage Cookie Preferences