Thursday, 26th September 2019

Following open, public nominations, we’re thrilled to announce the names of our shortlisted nominees for this year's Children's Champion Award, which recognises outstanding contribution to child victims of trafficking.

Previous winners of this award include current Children's Champion, solicitor Silvia Nicolaou Garcia; solicitor Kalvir Kaur, the Scottish Guardianship Service, children's safeguarding head Paul Hewitt and Lord McColl of Dulwich

Our expert panel of current and previous Children's Champions will now select the recipient of this year's award, which will be announced during Anti-Slavery Week.

Katherine Mulhern, CEO of ECPAT UK, said

Congratulations to all of the nominees! We received many worthy nominations for individuals and organisations that have gone above and beyond in their commitment to child victims of trafficking, so it was really tough to pick our shortlist from so many outstanding candidates.

‘We’re grateful to all of the nominees for their tireless work supporting and advocating for trafficked children, as well as everyone who took the time to make a nomination.

‘We look forward to celebrating the nominees next month during Anti-Slavery week.’

Shortlisted for our Children's Champion 2019 Award are:

  • Hannah Baynes, Public Law and Immigration Law Solicitor at Duncan Lewis Solicitors
  • Fiona Ranson, foster carer for fostering and adoption charity The Adolescent and Children's Trust (TACT)
  • Rebecca Flint, Children's Solicitor and Supervisor at Consonant (formerly known as Asylum Aid)
  • Ahmed Aydeed, Director of Public Law at Duncan Lewis Solicitors
  • Garden Court Chambers, barristers chambers


Press contact

Sinead Geoghegan, Communications and Media Manager, ECPAT UK, [email protected], 0207 607 2136