Latest news News and press releases Marking 10 years of the Anti-Trafficking Monitoring Group This week, we joined our partners from across the sector to mark the tenth anniversary of the Anti-Trafficking Monitoring Group (ATMG). ECPAT UK has been a member of this vital coalition since it was set up in 2009 to advocate for the rights of trafficking victims. Last night, we joined our colleagues from across the sector to reflect on our successes over the past ten years and how we can best advocate for victims' rights over the next decade and beyond. The group was established to monitor the UK's implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings, which laid the foundations for the UK's anti-trafficking policies, including the National Referral Mechanism - the country's system for identifying and supporting victims. Hosted by Anti-Slavery International, the coalition of organisations counts ECPAT UK, UNICEF, FLEX and many other NGOs committed to the fight against trafficking and modern slavery. In the past ten years, some of our key achievements together include publishing cutting-edge research on the UK's response to trafficking, advocating for victims' rights and holding the government to account. Taking part in an expert panel at the anniversary event, Debbie Beadle, Director of Programmes at ECPAT UK, said 'It's imperative that children and young people who have experienced trafficking are included in the discourse on trafficking, that their voices are heard and they are included in creating solutions to the issues they face.' You can find out more about the ATMG and our important work in this short video created by our colleagues at Anti-Slavery International. ENDS Press contact Sinead Geoghegan, Communications and Media Manager, ECPAT UK: [email protected], 0207 607 2136 Manage Cookie Preferences